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Invest in return, not in real estate exhibition


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Every market evolves with companies that innovate and break with the "always been like this" in their market. In the real estate market this has happened with the help of the internet.

Before, at the time of the newspaper, the real estate ads had a limited amount of time and quantity - since they could not put all the properties in the newspaper and the newspaper, being daily, would make the ad itself last for only one day.

With the internet this changed and the first portals brought the same limited quantity model - and they still last with this, but they broke with the time limitation. Since the property was exposed there 24 hours a day for the entire month or the period that was the contract between real estate and portal.

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With the internet more mature in Brazil and the world, portals came that broke with the quantity barrier, and now the company can advertise all its properties without paying more for this - what distinguished plans were the highlights only (something that comes from the newspaper somehow).

What has in common among all those that represent more than a century of advertisements is that they are all based on exposure. That is, you paid for the newspaper to exhibit a limited amount of real estate for a limited time. Then I paid for a portal to exhibit a few properties for a time determined by the contract (but not just for a day, for example). And finally, you paid to expose all the properties without the time barrier of a newspaper.

But there is a big difference between exhibiting and having a return. You can exhibit all or a few properties, for 1 day or 1 year, but there was no guarantee of how many and what quality the contacts would generate - and if they would generate anything.

This is the paradigm that is being broken in the market today. Portals like have been innovating and providing the answer that the market needs, especially in turbulent moments of crisis like the one that Brazil is going through today.

Instead of paying for the exhibition of real estate in Oba, you pay for the return. That is, you pay only for contacts and with the guarantee that you will receive the number of contacts you hire.

At the tip of the pencil, while a traditional portal you would not be able to say exactly how much each contact costs - because there is a variation in quantity and quality between months, in Oba you will know exactly how much you will pay for each contact - because this is our business: take potential customers to you. And do not “show your properties on the internet”.

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In the crisis invest better, not less

When the thing squeezes the first thing we think is: I need to cut expenses. Okay, some need to be reviewed. But failing to invest in what brings the customer to you is not a good cut or adjustment. Do you agree with me?

The most appropriate thought would be to review the investment and target what gives the most return. You can do this by analyzing the portals you invest in, for example, and see who generates the most quality contacts, how much you pay for them and how much you would have if you invest only in them. However, it would still be at the mercy of variations in quantity and quality, since for traditional portals you pay for the exhibition, not the contact.


